Figures tagged with: translucent

24 Minimates
Jack Bauer Jack Bauer
(Box 2)

Alice Through the Looking Glass Minimates and Vinimates
Disappearing Cheshire Cat Disappearing Cheshire Cat

Alien Franchise Minimates and Vinimates
1979 Alien 1979 Alien
Advanced Xenomorph Advanced Xenomorph
Alien Alien
(Big Chap)
Burning Warrior Alien Burning Warrior Alien
Capt. Dallas Capt. Dallas
Daniels Daniels
Frozen Xenomorph Frozen Xenomorph
Infected Kane Infected Kane
Isolation Xenomorph Isolation Xenomorph
Narcissus Space Suit Narcissus Space Suit
Phantom Xenomorph Phantom Xenomorph
Screaming Xenomorph Screaming Xenomorph
Space Suit Dallas Space Suit Dallas
Space Suit Kane Space Suit Kane
Space Suit Lambert Space Suit Lambert
Tennessee Tennessee
Translucent Xenomorph Translucent Xenomorph
Xenomorph Xenomorph
(Big Chap)

Battle Beasts Minimates
Hot Wings Merk Hot Wings Merk
Shadow Merk Shadow Merk
Vorin (Translucent Blue) Vorin (Translucent Blue)
Vorin (Translucent Red) Vorin (Translucent Red)

Battlestar Galactica Minimates
Lucifer Lucifer

Bruce Lee Minimates and Vinimates
Hong Kong Dragon Hong Kong Dragon

DC C3 Minimates
Pilot Batman Pilot Batman
Pilot Batman repaint Pilot Batman repaint
Street Justice Batman Street Justice Batman

DC Minimates and Vinimates
Aquaman Aquaman
Blue Beetle Blue Beetle
Booster Gold Booster Gold
Emerald Knight Green Lantern Emerald Knight Green Lantern
Shazam! Shazam!

Disney Minimates
Tinker Bell Tinker Bell

Dungeons and Dragons, The Animated Series Minimates
Dekion the Skeleton Warrior Dekion the Skeleton Warrior
Shadow Demon the Spy Shadow Demon the Spy
Sheila the Thief Sheila the Thief
(Also labeled as Shiela)

Forbidden Planet Minimates and Vinimates
Robby the Robot Robby the Robot
Robby the Robot Robby the Robot
Robby the Robot Retro Edition Robby the Robot Retro Edition
Robby the Robot with Blaster Robby the Robot with Blaster

Ghostbusters Minimates and Vinimates
Azetlor Azetlor
Clear Slimer Clear Slimer
Clear Slimer Clear Slimer
(Variant with food)
Energized Terror Dog Energized Terror Dog
Energy Terror Dog Energy Terror Dog
Exploding Stay Puft Exploding Stay Puft
Ghostbusters Ecto Promo Ghostbusters Ecto Promo
Jogger Ghost Jogger Ghost
Library Ghost Library Ghost
Sam Haim Sam Haim
Scolari Brother Nunzio Scolari Brother Nunzio
Scolari Brother Tony Scolari Brother Tony
Slimer Slimer
Spectral Egon Spengler Spectral Egon Spengler
Spectral Peter Venkman Spectral Peter Venkman
Spectral Ray Stantz Spectral Ray Stantz
Spectral Winston Zeddemore Spectral Winston Zeddemore
Stay Puft Stay Puft
Subway Ghost Subway Ghost
Theatre Ghost Theatre Ghost
Titanic Ghost Titanic Ghost
Washington Square Ghost Washington Square Ghost
Washington Square Ghost Washington Square Ghost
Zombie Taxi Driver Zombie Taxi Driver

Grimm Fairy Tales Minimates
Nissa Nissa
Nissa Nissa

Halo Minimates
Arbiter (Active Camouflage) Arbiter (Active Camouflage)
Brute Stalker (Active Camouflage) Brute Stalker (Active Camouflage)
Cortana Cortana
Master Chief (Phasing) Master Chief (Phasing)
Spartan (Active Camouflage) Spartan (Active Camouflage)
Spartan ODST (Active Camo) Spartan ODST (Active Camo)

Iron Giant Minimates and Vinimates
Attack Mode Iron Giant Attack Mode Iron Giant

Kung Faux Minimates
Break Boy Break Boy

Marvel Minimates
"Flame-On" Human Torch "Flame-On" Human Torch
"Force Field" Invisible Woman "Force Field" Invisible Woman
Age of Apocalypse Nemesis Age of Apocalypse Nemesis
Astral Form Doctor Strange Astral Form Doctor Strange
Blastaar Blastaar
Box Box
Conqueror Ultron Conqueror Ultron
Cosmic Ghost Rider Cosmic Ghost Rider
Cyclops Cyclops
Deep-Immersion Spider-Man Deep-Immersion Spider-Man
Electro Electro
Emma Frost Emma Frost
Falcon Falcon
Falcon Falcon
Gabriel the Air-Walker Gabriel the Air-Walker
Galactus Galactus
Gamma Hulk Gamma Hulk
Gamma Hulk Gamma Hulk
Ghost Rider Ghost Rider
Holographic Iron Man Holographic Iron Man
Human Torch Human Torch
Human Torch Human Torch
(Invaders/Golden Age)
Hydro-Man Hydro-Man
Hydroman Hydroman
Ice Man Ice Man
Iceman Iceman
(First Appearance)
Iceman Iceman
Iceman Iceman
Iceman Iceman
(Blue Tinted)
Invisible Woman Invisible Woman
Invisible Woman Invisible Woman
Invisible Woman Invisible Woman
Johnny Storm Johnny Storm
(Con 4 Pack)
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde
(Astonishing X-Men)
Magma Magma
Marvel Now Vision Marvel Now Vision
Marvel's Falcon Marvel's Falcon
Marvel's Ghost Marvel's Ghost
Marvel's Songbird Marvel's Songbird
Molten Man Molten Man
Nova Nova
Nova Flame Human Torch Nova Flame Human Torch
Phasing Vision Phasing Vision
Phoenix Phoenix
(X-Men 3)
Powerhouse Sandman Powerhouse Sandman
Pyreus Kril the Firelord Pyreus Kril the Firelord
Radioactive Man Radioactive Man
Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider
Scott Lang's Head In A Jar Scott Lang's Head In A Jar
Shrinking Ant-Man Shrinking Ant-Man
Shrinking Yellowjacket Shrinking Yellowjacket
Stealth Suit Spider-Man Stealth Suit Spider-Man
Sue Storm Sue Storm
Sunfire Sunfire
Sunspot Sunspot
Super Skrull Super Skrull
Susan Richards Susan Richards
(Con 4 Pack)
The Vision The Vision
Ultimate Electro Ultimate Electro
Ultron Ultron
Ultron Drone Ultron Drone
Ultron Drone Ultron Drone
Ultron Mark I Ultron Mark I
Vindicator Vindicator
Vision Vision
Vision 2.0 Vision 2.0
Wiccan Wiccan
Zombie Captain America Zombie Captain America
Zombie Daredevil Zombie Daredevil
Zombie Dr. Strange Zombie Dr. Strange
Zombie Kingpin Zombie Kingpin
Zombie Magneto Zombie Magneto
Zombie Power Man Zombie Power Man
Zombie Pryo Zombie Pryo
Zombie Sabretooth Zombie Sabretooth
Zombie Spider-Man Zombie Spider-Man

Marvel Vs. Capcom Minimates
Dormammu Dormammu

Mobile Action Xtreme (M.A.X.) Minimates
Law Enforcement Officer 1 Law Enforcement Officer 1
(No Chest Deco)
Law Enforcement Officer 2 Law Enforcement Officer 2
(With Chest Deco)
Pilot (Black) Pilot (Black)
Pilot (Blue) Pilot (Blue)
Pilot (Red) Pilot (Red)
Pilot (Silver) Pilot (Silver)
Smoke Jumper 1 Smoke Jumper 1
Smoke Jumper 2 Smoke Jumper 2
Smoke Jumper Fire Chief 2 Smoke Jumper Fire Chief 2

Nightmare Before Christmas Minimates and Vinimates
Zero Zero
Zero Zero

Pirates of the Caribbean Minimates and Vinimates
Ghost Shark Ghost Shark

Plants vs. Zombies Minimates
Fire Pea Fire Pea

Predator Minimates and Vinimates
Casey Bracket Casey Bracket
Cloaked Elder Predator Cloaked Elder Predator
Cloaked Masked Predator Cloaked Masked Predator
Cloaked Predator Cloaked Predator
Cloaked Unmasked Predator Cloaked Unmasked Predator
Jungle Demon Predator Jungle Demon Predator
Lava Predator Lava Predator
Renegade Predator Renegade Predator
Thermal Dutch Thermal Dutch
Thermal Jungle Predator Thermal Jungle Predator

Promotional Logo Minimates
2006 Emerald City Comicon Blue 2006 Emerald City Comicon Blue
(1900 Available)
2006 Emerald City Comicon Blue (no logo) 2006 Emerald City Comicon Blue (no logo)
(100 Available)
2006 Emerald City Comicon Green 2006 Emerald City Comicon Green
(2900 Available)
2006 Emerald City Comicon Green (no logo) 2006 Emerald City Comicon Green (no logo)
(100 Available)
C2E2 Minimate Multiverse C2E2 Minimate Multiverse
Translucent Blue Translucent Blue
Translucent Green Translucent Green
Translucent Orange Translucent Orange
Translucent Red Translucent Red

Spongebob Squarepants Minimates
Sandy Sandy

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Minimates
Anton Zeck Anton Zeck
Exo-Suit Kraang Exo-Suit Kraang
Kraang Kraang
Kraang Kraang
Mutagen Donatello Mutagen Donatello
Mutagen Leonardo Mutagen Leonardo
Mutagen Michelangelo Mutagen Michelangelo
Mutagen Raphael Mutagen Raphael
Norman Norman
Salamandrian Salamandrian
Space Suit April O'Neil Space Suit April O'Neil
Space Suit Casey Space Suit Casey
Space Suit Donatello Space Suit Donatello
Space Suit Leonardo Space Suit Leonardo
Space Suit Michelangelo Space Suit Michelangelo
Space Suit Raphael Space Suit Raphael
Translucent Blue Leonardo Translucent Blue Leonardo
Translucent Orange Michelangelo Translucent Orange Michelangelo
Translucent Purple Donatello Translucent Purple Donatello
Translucent Red Raphael Translucent Red Raphael
Vision Quest Splinter Vision Quest Splinter

Terminator 2 Minimates
Battle Damaged Endoskeleton Battle Damaged Endoskeleton
Battle Damaged T-800 Battle Damaged T-800
Endoskeleton Endoskeleton
Half Human Terminator Half Human Terminator
Scorched Endoskeleton Scorched Endoskeleton
SWAT Officer SWAT Officer

The Lord of the Rings Minimates
Twilight Frodo Twilight Frodo
Twilight Frodo Twilight Frodo
(blue tint)

Thundercats Minimates
Jaga Jaga

Transformers Minimates
Shockwave Shockwave

Universal Monsters Minimates
Princess Anck-es-en-Amon Princess Anck-es-en-Amon

Walking Dead Minimates
One-Armed Zombie One-Armed Zombie
Riot Gear Governor Riot Gear Governor
Riot Gear Michonne Riot Gear Michonne
Riot Gear Rick Riot Gear Rick
Shot Zombie Shot Zombie
Vacation Zombie Vacation Zombie

Watchmen Minimates and Vinimates
Dr. Manhattan Dr. Manhattan
Dr. Manhattan Dr. Manhattan