Jet-Pack Spider-Man & Squirrel Girl

Thumbs Up Hand - Red
Alt Spidey Head
Flame Hair Base
Squirrel (x3)
Burrito (x2)
Base with Large Peg (34mm) - Clear (x2)
Package Text:
Jet-Pack Spider-Man: With all of his spectacular spider-powers, like strength, speed and the ability to climb walls, all Spider-Man really wants is a jet pack.
Squirrel Girl: The 14th most popular hero in New York (above Spider-Man), Squirrel Girl has squirrel strength, senses and reflexes, and can talk to squirrels.
Series:  Marvel Minimates - Walgreens Two Packs (Wave 3)

Release Date:  November 9, 2016

UPC:  699788105481

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