Pvt. Vasquez
Pvt. Vasquez
Size:  2 inch
Variation of Character:
Jenette Vasquez (1)
Manufacture Date Code(s):
150225KK, 150918KK
Portrayed by:
Jenette Goldstein (1)

With Drake, Pvt. Jenette Vasquez was one of two Marines operating Smartguns on LV-426. Vasquez and Drake were close friends, and they mutually agreed to disobey the "no-fire" order.

Along with Pvt. Drake, Jenette Vasquez was one of two Marines operating Smartguns on LV-426. Vasquez and Drake were close friends, and they mutually agreed to disobey the "no-fire" order given planetside.

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Alt. Front Alt. Back Alt. Left Alt. Right
Statistics: (click for enlargement)
Statistical Chart